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Provisional FVZA


If you want to edit your information in any way, send me an e-mail.

Agent Name: Baro
Base: Detroit
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Good marksmanship.
e-mail: her_impiness@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Anarchy Jones
Base: Detroit
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Research, Swordsmanship, Martial Arts. Currently work as a paranormal investigator.
e-mail: anarchyjones@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Andrea Bizaire
Base: Detroit
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Vampires.
e-mail: Ophelia0624@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Frank Coleman
Base: Bay City
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Eagle Scout (w/ working knowledge and skills thereof), registered & practicing priest.
e-mail: Frank62281@hotmail.com
Agent Name: SkyWarrior
Base: East Lansing
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Airborne Assault, Heavy and Small Arms Specialist, Hand-to-Hand Combat Specialist, Small Units Tactics Specialist.
e-mail: jumpsoldier@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Inferno Firestorm
Base: Eastpointe
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Fire
e-mail: InfernoFirestorm@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Mike Zawacki
Base: Ann Arbor
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Film making, videography, still and video image analysis, library and database research, excellent written and verbal communication skills, computer usage and basic programing, small arms training, basic pyrotechnics and demolition, basic hand-to-hand combat, defensive/offensive driving, basic carpentry and electrical.
e-mail: mrz@ans.net
Agent Name: savoy 1
Base: Ypsilanti
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Qualification in a variety of weapons and CQC.
e-mail: savoy_one@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Will Whitmer
Base: New Baltimore
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Stealth Entry, Weapons Tactics.
e-mail: willwhitmer@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Jason Bauer
Base: Warren
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Avid reader, very intuitive.
e-mail: borderjumper717@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Kayleen Bauer
Base: Warren
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Martial artist, excels with heavy weaponry, and very intuitive.
e-mail: jayandkayb@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Val Reznic
Base: Lapeer
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Occult, tracking, hand-to-hand combat, weapons, lore.
e-mail: Reznic9@aol.com
Agent Name: Feralana
Base: Detroit
Specialities/Areas of Interest: All things paranormal.
e-mail: bpoland@fsmichigan.com
Agent Name: Erik Moran
Base: Novi
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Explosives, bladed weapons, firearms, marksmanship.
e-mail: Geist@twmi.rr.com
Agent Name: Maverick
Base: Paw Paw
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Rambo
Base: Paw Paw
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Hand-to-hand/CQB combat.
Agent Name: Ambabri
Base: Detroit
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Elite Ninjutsu Training (Warrior Quest International); also trained in Kung-Fu, Aikido, Tai Chi, Krav Maga, and various African Martial Arts. Weapons of choice: a Hardwood Broadsword, a can of gasoline, and a lit match. Can sense when a Vampire is near (the reason why is classified).
e-mail: Ambabri@antisocial.com
Agent Name: Z
Base: Saginaw
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Vampire Knowledge. Weapon making. Killed a pack leader.
e-mail: zviking88@msn.com
Agent Name: Derik
Base: Westland (Detroit)
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Boxing, streetfighting, would like to learn swordfighting techniques.
Agent Name: John Kastanis
Base: Tecumseh
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Hunting, aikido, weapons.
Agent Name: Jay E. Sassin
Base: Detroit
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Finding and Killing Zombies.
Agent Name: Charles Dulzo
Base: Big Rapids
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Urban Assault Training.
e-mail: flyingqueen0@lycos.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Blade
Base: Dearborn Heights
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Killing.
e-mail: bigbear911@msn.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Edward Downs
Base: Ice Haven
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Attack Survivor... influenced to command a small sleeper cell of about 15 agents in the state of Michigan. We are ready to dispach on the news of an outbreak, preferably zombies. I'm the only one of my group with the qualifications for a vampire raid; they're good, but I've seen how much better vampires are firsthand...
e-mail: kokoriwarrior@hotmail.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Lazarus Prophet
Base: Fowlerville
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Rifles, Handguns, Various Martial Arts.
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Anthonyshade
Base: Spring Arbor
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Attack/guns/zombies.
e-mail: anthonyhod11@gmail.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Shadowfox
Base: Allendale
Specialities/Areas of Interest: I have a lot of special skills, my interest are many.
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:

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