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Provisional FVZA


If you want to edit your information in any way, send me an e-mail.

Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Sawyer Gosnell
Base: Baltimore
Specialities/Areas of Interest: single sword and whip techniques, largest class C vehicles, inventor, alternately based at University of Chicago
e-mail: sgdragoon@aol.com
Agent Name: Psyborg
Base: Easton
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Computers, bounty hunting.
e-mail: metalmachinewebber@yahoo.com
Agent Name: John Walker
Base: Laurel
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Analysis, 12 years of swordfighting experience, knowledgeable in the occult.
e-mail: thepreacher316@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Mason
Base: Trappe
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Tracking/eradication of local solitary zombies; engineering mass extermination sites for zombie eradication.
e-mail: zombie_bane@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Fisher
Base: Baltimore
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Sniping, stealth missions.
e-mail: IanChris2424@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Dan
Base: Germantown
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Political expert, Military expert.
e-mail: GridSquare19@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Van_Helsing
Base: Baltimore
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Weapons design, attack strategies.
e-mail: dzyre_chaos@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Matt
Base: Smithsburg
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Killing undead.
e-mail: mmXtream2@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Daniel Bryan
Base: Baltimore
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Investigation /Firearms/ Close Quarters Combat.
Agent Name: Chris a.k.a. Krzyzstof
Base: Baltimore
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Shotguns, Heavy Machine Guns.
e-mail: DefChrisB33@hotmail.com
Agent Name: bay raider1
Base: Baltimore
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Zombie hunting along the shores of the Chesapeake Bay.
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:

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