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Provisional FVZA


If you want to edit your information in any way, send me an e-mail.

Agent Name: Prof. Chad Byers
Base: Winnetka
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Parapsychology, occult studies, demonology, sycomancy, studies in local midwestern lore.
e-mail: chadbyers71@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Edge
Base: Canton
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Well educated in the extermination of the undead.
e-mail: ihateyouguys7@yahoo.com
Agent Name: SonOfWyvern
Base: Chicago
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Have already killed 3 vampires.
e-mail: sonofwyvern@yahoo.com
Agent Name:Alan Spike Pressley
Base: Oreana
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
e-mail: MNDV815@aol.com
Agent Name: John Paul Balderas
Base: Chicago
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Weapons, Leadership, and Recon.
e-mail: jbalde1@uic.edu
Agent Name: Christopher G. Schug
Base: Chicago
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
e-mail: mothman00@aol.com
Agent Name: Meridith
Base: Chicago
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Research and tracking.
e-mail: mxzzy@alumni.uchicago.edu
Agent Name: Nemesis
Base: Illinois
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Investigation and Extermination of Zombies.
e-mail: nemesis101_01@yahoo.com
Agent Name: StrikeFear
Base: Wheeling
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Stealth, light armor, zombie killing.
e-mail: sniperxus@yahoo.com
Agent Name: rjwjr
Base: Elwood
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Seeker of strange facts, finder of lost truths.
e-mail: excitable_boy60421@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Paul Schroeder
Base: Sycamore
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Excellent marksman. Armed and unarmed combat and weapons design.
e-mail: gundainium_195@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Samurai
Base: Antioch
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Expert In Swords, hand-to-hand combat, and guns.
Agent Name: Duncan McPherson
Base: Monmouth
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Game theory, game design, ancient languages.
e-mail: thraxamer@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Wawrzyne
Base: Champaign
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
e-mail: admrilolaf@aol.com
Agent Name: Agent 666
Base: Jacksonville
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Handguns, swords.
e-mail: Ken.Collison@agimedia.com
Agent Name: Vladu Orlov
Base: Rochelle
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Electronic items, various programming, field medic, above average firearms orientation, trained crime scene investigator & a thirst for knowlege.
e-mail: ankeltoth@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Michael Smith
Base: Bradley
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Vampire hunting, marksman, heavy weapons expert.
e-mail: blackhawkAk_47@hotmail.com
Agent Name: 6 Feet Under
Base: Chicago
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Close combat, firearms, extensive vampire knowledge.
e-mail: sflig@prodigy.net
Agent Name: Matt Micou
Base: Chicago
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Zombie research, doomsday scenarios.
e-mail: mfmicou@hotmail.com
Agent Name: wonsinn
Base: Malden
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Special operations training.
e-mail: wonsinn@excite.com
Agent Name: James
Base: Rockford
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Stealth weapons and tactics; demo.
e-mail: Majin29@netscape.net
Agent Name: Rev. Joshua
Base: Bridgeview
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Esoteric/Occult Studies, Spirit Photography, former PI.
e-mail: J_Novak@juno.com
Agent Name: Phantasm
Base: Rockford
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Sniping.
e-mail: Phantasm5000@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Robert W. Hannigan
Base: Canton
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Pyrotechnics.
e-mail: ihateyouguys7@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Mr. Joshua
Base: Crystal Lake
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Occult research and practice. Advanced Information Network.
Agent Name: Nightshade
Base: Rockford
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Hand-to-hand combat, sharpshooting, pyrotechnics, gunsmithing, blacksmithing.
e-mail: NightshadeMemory@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Death
Base: Joliet
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Martial arts, vengeance, fast and near invisible to vampires and zombies. Preferred weapon: sword.
e-mail: cpmejm@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Ranger Bravo 24
Base: Illinois
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Occult studies, Army Ranger Trained in Combat, Private Investigator, DOD Clearance level 3.
e-mail: il369udc@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Keith
Base: Rockford
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Knife throwing, demolition.
e-mail: extraevilsauce@netscape.net
Agent Name: Kevin Taylor
Base: Zion
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Killing vampires.
e-mail: kmtaylo1@uiuc.edu
Agent Name: Reno Redd
Base: Illinois
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Ancient religions, Investigations, Infiltration, Field Medicine, Hand-to-hand Combat, Small Arms Marksman.
e-mail: il369udc@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Eric
Base: Rockford
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Stealth, sharpshooting.
e-mail: angrystrudle@sbcglobal.net
Agent Name: Jon
Base: Herrin
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Explosives, tae kwon do, knowledge, zombie and vampire extermination.
e-mail: pyro_110@hotmail.com
Agent Name: David C. Vacca
Base: Havana
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Computer technician, Microsoft OEM System Builder.
e-mail: lordvampire@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Ryan
Base: Rockford
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Hand-to-hand/close combat, Sword fighting.
e-mail: BumRush69@sbcglobal.net
Agent Name: Trophy Mann
Base: Northern Illinois
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Organization, Investigation, Tactical Operations, Covert/Operational Training, Weapon Design. See site @ www.freewebs.com/369udc.
e-mail: il369udc@yahoo.com
Agent Name: SometimesKate
Base: Normal
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Research, making connections, basic field medicine.
Agent Name: Johnny Taco
Base: Chicago
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Computers, Driving, Melee Combat, Demolitions, Small Arms.
e-mail: nethawk666@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Mcbease
Base: Herrin
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Killing vampires.
e-mail: mc_beasey@hotmail.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Jungle Wolf
Base: Illinois
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Naval Assault training, Hand-to-Hand & Weapons Combat, Offensive/Defensive Security, DoD Security Clearance 3.
e-mail: il369udc@yahoo.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Casper
Base: Illinois
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Operations Command and Control, Stress Management, Surveillance, DoD Security Clearance 3, Specialized Investigations.
e-mail: il369udc@yahoo.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Grey Coyote
Base: Illinois
Specialities/Areas of Interest: USAF Special Operations, Tracking, Expert Marksman (small arms), Weapons Design, Offensive/Defensive Security Specialist, Private Investigation.
e-mail: il369udc@yahoo.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Cosmo
Base: Illinois
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Infiltration, explosives, hand-to-hand combat, close quarters combat.
e-mail: il369udc@yahoo.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Robert Blecke
Base: Southwest of Chicago
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Anti-undead offensive and defensive techniques.
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Trinity Lynn
Base: Illinois
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Decent marksman, excellent at knife throwing, quickwitted and wonderful at hand-to-hand combat.
e-mail: broken_soul_frozen_tears@yahoo.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: "Wild Bill" Rafferty
Base: Grayslake
Specialities/Areas of Interest: USMC trained, former SWAT team member, current police officer, expert with small arms, blunt weapons, extensive knowledge of vamipres, werewolves and zombies.
e-mail: bill@billrafferty.org
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Sammy
Base: Illinois
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Research/Cure or Extermination.
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: fuentes
Base: Chicago
Specialities/Areas of Interest: .
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:

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