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Provisional FVZA


If you want to edit your information in any way, send me an e-mail.

Agent Name: TheReservoirDog
Base: Honolulu
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Tactical Assault; Owner of www.hawaiisfreakylinks.cjb.net; The Freakiness of Hawaii
e-mail: SpecialAgentPunk@yahoo.com
Agent Name: Flyin' Hawaiian
Base: Hilo
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Marksmanship.
e-mail: hawaiiltd@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Azrael
Base: Honolulu
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Access to judiciary and criminal justice files, excessive computer skills and knowledge, good leadership qualities and independent as well.
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: YoZoMo
Base: Lahaina
Specialities/Areas of Interest: C.Q.C.
e-mail: yozomo@hotmail.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:

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