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Provisional FVZA

Mexico, Central & South America

If you want to edit your information in any way, send me an e-mail.

Agent Name: Zoe
Base: Tijuana, Mexico
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Forensic analysis, computer science, small firearms, skilled hand-to-hand combat.
e-mail: marvin_duran@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Eternity Echoes
Base: Campinas, Brazil
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Devoted to protecting the wild and undead-slaying.
e-mail: vorlonmagus@terra.com.br
Agent Name: The BoogeyMan Ire
Base: Mexico
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Silent. Good with weapons. Good eye-sight and hearing.
e-mail: theboogeymanire@netscape.com
Agent Name: Fernando Henrique Cardoso
Base: Brasilia, Brazil
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Knowledge of vampires' underworld in South America.
e-mail: batata@email.zip.net
Agent Name: Renato Carneiro
Base: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Former black beretta soldier from the brazilian army, skilled in many weapons and martial arts. Huge background knowledge about the undead.
e-mail: renatus50@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Cambanga
Base: Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Percepción de almas, desdoblamiento, todo tipo de armas de bajo calibre, lucha cuerpo a cuerpo, cosas sobrenaturales, ataque sorpresa, resistencia a la magia y supersticcion.
e-mail: alex_camba@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Ferroza
Base: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Vampire and zombie investigations.
e-mail: d_4_s@yahoo.com.ar
Agent Name: Fox
Base: Bauru, Brazil
Specialities/Areas of Interest: I just wanna kill all these motherf*****s!
e-mail: sallubri@bol.com.br
Agent Name: White Eagle
Base: Guadalajara, Mexico
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Kendo, hapkido, pistol, combat.
e-mail: alukardx5@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Fabiano Camargo
Base: Sao Leopoldo, Brazil
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
e-mail: fabico@ig.com.br
Agent Name: Raptor
Base: Sao Bento do Sol, Brazil
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Great aim on weapons of cal.22(long shots) and beretta. Search & destroy.
e-mail: sallubri@bol.com.br
Agent Name: Yuliana Dotto
Base: Cordoba, Agentina
Specialities/Areas of Interest:Investigation of werewolves.
e-mail: yuli_ao@hotmail.com
Agent Name: Federico Lozano
Base: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Investigacion, historiador, recolector de datos.
e-mail: agentelozano@yahoo.com.ar
Agent Name: Cuetzpalin
Base: Atizapan, Mexico
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Martial arts, tracker.
e-mail: nene_francisco@hotmail.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Feanor
Base: Mexico City, Mexico
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Read, research history and science; repair mecanical and electronical devices; and make plans.
e-mail: reactor_xl@yahoo.com.mx
Agent Name: Kompressor
Base: Caracas, Venezuela
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Zombie elimination.
e-mail: bangbangfunfun@hotmail.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Zeus
Base: Sao Paolo, Brazil
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Ex-military, combat training, weapons and martial arts.
e-mail: general_anubis@terra.com.br
Agent Name: Bruno Drummond
Base: Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
e-mail: brunobhnc@terra.com.br
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Miranda
Base: Curitiba, Brazil
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Spina Bifida Baby
Base: Mexico City, Mexico
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Extensive knowledge of the occult, vast computer skills, fair hand-to-hand combatant.
e-mail: diazb3@hotmail.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Frank
Base: Tapiratiba, Brazil
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Werewolves.
e-mail: jslucasfernandes@hotmail.com
Agent Name: patoramone
Base: Coyoacan, Mexico
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:
Agent Name: Fernando Stefani
Base: Joaçaba, Brazil
Specialities/Areas of Interest: Zombies.
e-mail: fernandostefani538@gmail.com
Agent Name:
Specialities/Areas of Interest:

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